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Kamigata Lecture 2015 on Bunraku (traditional Japanese puppet theater)

Published on Aug 31, 2015


A special lecture series on Kamigata culture took place at the OCU Media Center from 25 to 28 August 2015. The lecture series, organized by the Faculty of Literature, offered an academic insight into the traditional art form of Bunraku (Japanese puppet theater), which has an especially long history in the Osaka region.

This year’s lecture theme was the ‘Oshuadachigahara’, a famous bunraku play. The play was explained through lectures by OCU professors and introductions and demonstrations by actual bunraku artists. The lectures, open for students and the general public, attracted about 160 people.

Impression of the lectures

150831-1 150831-2 150831-3
Associate Professor Hiroaki Kubori  Professor Naoki Kobayashi     Professor Tetsuya Niwa

150831-4 150831-5 150831-6
Associate Professor Youko Takashima  Professor Takasi Tukada    Narrator and shamisen player
                             ??????????????? (Tsukomadayu Takemoto and
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Seiko Tsurasawa)

150831-7 150831-9 150831-8
About the puppets???????????????????????? Narrator, shamisen and puppeteers   ???? Q&A session
(Kanjuro Kiritake)
