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Undergraduate Courses

Undergraduate courses consist of 4 consecutive university years and lead to a Bachelor degree (ѧʿ/gakushi). Because lectures at Osaka City University (OCU) are primarily delivered in the national language, students wishing to enroll at the university are required to be reasonably proficient in spoken and written Japanese.


OCU admits both international students on a Japanese Government Scholarship (from the Monbukagakusho - Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology [MEXT]) and privately financed international students (including those with scholarships other than a Japanese Government Scholarship). Please note that application procedures differ accordingly.

Admission of international students on a Japanese Government Scholarship:

If, after graduating from a high school in your home country, you wish to enroll in a faculty of the university as a student on a Japanese Government Scholarship, you will need to apply for admission to the "MEXT Scholarship Program (for faculty students)" offered by Japanese Embassies and Consulates General. If you pass the preliminary screening by the Embassy or Consulate, in principle you will be required to attend a one-year Japanese language course at a designated facility in Japan. Depending on your Japanese language level or the course you want to enter this language course may not be necessary. After finishing this language course, you need to take the OCU entrance examination. If selected, you can enroll in the university as a faculty student.

Admission of privately financed international students:

The undergraduate faculties of Business, Economics, Law, Literature, Science, Engineering and Human Life Science accept applications for enrollment through the OCU entrance examination. Before taking the OCU entrance examination, those who wish to enroll at the university are required to take the "Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students" implemented by the Japan Student Services Organization, an independent administrative agency. The examination is held twice per year.

Necessary qualifications for application for privately financed students

Applicants are required to meet the following criteria 1. through 3. below.

  1. A person who does not have Japanese nationality.
  2. A person who satisfies one of the following items:
    1. A person who has completed or is expected to complete 12 years of school education overseas, or who has equivalent academic ability and has been designated as such by the MEXT. (If the standard length of education in your country is less than 12 years, please contact us in advance)
    2. A person who is recognized by OCU as having academic ability equivalent to the above-mentioned level.
  3. A person who takes either the 1st Session (implemented in June) or 2nd Session (implemented in November) of the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (hereinafter "EJU") implemented by the Japan Student Services Organization (all subjects designated by each faculty must be taken) and achieves or exceeds the passing scores specified by the faculty concerned.
The information below serves as an indication. For detailed score requirements, please see the online selection criteria for privately financed international students (in Japanese).
Indication of necessary scores per faculty in the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students
Faculty of Business
Japanese as a Foreign Language 270 points or more
Japan & the World -OR- Science 270 points or more
(aggregate score)
Mathematics (course 1 or 2)
Faculty of Economics
Japanese as a Foreign Language 270 points or more
Japan & the World 100 points or more
Mathematics (Course 1 or 2) 100 points or more
Faculty of Law
Japanese as a Foreign Language 600 points or more
(aggregate score)
Japan & the World
Mathematics (Course 1)
Faculty of Literature
Japanese as a Foreign Language
(reading and comprehension)
200 points or more
Japanese as a Foreign Language
(written Japanese)
33 points or more
Japan & the World 240 points or more
(aggregate score)
Mathematics (Course 1)
Faculty of Science
Japanese as a Foreign Language 225 points or more
Science 240 points or more
(aggregate score)
Mathematics (Course 2)
(Examination subjects differ per course)
Faculty of Engineering
Japanese as a Foreign Language 225 points or more
Science (2 subjects) 240 points or more
(aggregate score)
Mathematics (Course 2)
Faculty of Human Life Science
Japanese as a Foreign Language
(reading and comprehension)
200 points or more
Japanese as a Foreign Language
(written Japanese)
25 points or more
Japan & the World -OR- Science 240 points or more
(aggregate score)
Mathematics (Course 1 or 2)
(Examination subjects differ per course)
Maximum possible scores per subject
Japanese as a Foreign Language
200 points
Japanese as a Foreign Language
200 points
Japanese as a Foreign Language
(written Japanese)
50 points
Japan & the World 200 points
Science (2 subjects) 200 points
Mathematics 200 points

OCU entrance exam

Applicants who satisfy the necessary qualifications are eligible to take the entrance exam of the OCU faculty they would like to enter. The selection criteria of the entrance exams (˽ÙMÍâ¹úÈËÁôѧÉúÈëѧÕßßx’iÒªí—) are published around June and the detailed application guidelines (˽ÙMÍâ¹úÈËÁôѧÉúļ¼¯Òªí—) are available from around October each year (in Japanese only). The entrance exams take place in February and results are communicated in March.

You can find the application guidelines and detailed information about the OCU entrance exams of each faculty here (in Japanese)